Product News

Carbide Unveils New Feature for Enhanced Evidence Generation

Carbide Unveils New Feature for Enhanced Evidence Generation

We’re excited to announce the launch of the Integration Evidence Generation feature on the Carbide platform!

What’s New?

This latest update allows users to customize evidence gathering of data pulled from Carbide’s 100+ integrations and to meet specific organizational needs.

“This tool is designed to simplify the evidence generation process and provide flexibility and control. It significantly enhances the platform’s usability and effectiveness,” said Laird Wilton, COO at Carbide.

Key capabilities of the new feature include:

  • Custom Configuration: Users can create new evidence configurations by naming and describing them for easy identification.
  • Advanced Filtering: Options to set filters based on date ranges, specific projects, or user criteria.
  • Data Field Management: Ability to hide or include specific data fields in the final reports.
  • Live Data Preview: Before finalizing, users can preview a sample of the data to ensure accuracy.
  • Automated Document Generation: Configurations allow for automated scheduling of report generation, such as monthly or quarterly.

All configurations and generated documents are managed directly within the platform, allowing for easy access, editing, and updating as needed.

For more details on how to utilize this new feature, please contact our support team at or see it in action with a free trial.
