
5 steps to help SMBs build security resilience and survive a recession

5 steps to help SMBs build security resilience and survive a recession

Originally posted on IT World

While recessions are difficult for all companies, small businesses are often hit the hardest. One of the most underrated but effective ways to build resilience and survive a recession is by building a strong, efficient security and privacy program.

It can give your business a competitive edge, especially as your competitors deprioritize security and privacy efforts or choose the minimum requirement to close deals and mitigate growing cyber risk.

Robust security and privacy streamlines innovation, ensures efficient audits, and wins deals with your potential clients. In addition, embedding security into the DNA of your company helps to not only protect you from mounting cyber risks, but helps prepare you to minimize the impact on your operations, reduce the cost of the breach, and cut the amount of time it takes to get back up and running.

During a recession, there are a million things keeping startup founders up at night – your security and privacy posture shouldn’t be one of them. Check out this article in IT World Canada where our CEO, Darren Gallop discusses simple steps that SMBs can take to build resilience and survive a recession.
